Mark Dain Does anyone else have trouble falling asleep? Like you lie down in bed and it takes hours to actually fall asleep. What do you do to deal with it? My boss (half seriously?) suggested a glass of wine before I go to sleep. I'm chalking that up to it slowing down your head so your mind isn't so active. That and he's French.
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Khll Don't use electronics before bedtime. If you need to, install flux on your computer and Twilight on your phone. Both reduce the amount of blue light emitted by the screen which can cause sleep troubles.
8y, 35w 2 replies
Mark Dain Tried Flux, it seems to not help too much. I took the blue light thing a bit further; I don't put the lights on in my house, I just leave the curtains open so it's always natural light. I don't actually get sleepy until past midnight though... Maybe I'm nocturnal?
8y, 35w 1 reply
John Olinda Same trouble here. The thing that helps the most from a physical standpoint is no caffeine after lunch, although cutting it out completely might be better for others. After that is reading or writing (on paper) to help me unwind. Usually the problem is that my mind is still going full speed even though my body is exhausted, so writing helps me get my thoughts down on paper to revisit later, which helps me let go since I'm not worried about forgetting. Reading also helps my brain disengage from anything that might be bothering me.
8y, 35w 1 reply
Mark Dain Never tried writing before bed, I'll give that a go, thanks!
8y, 35w reply
Martijn Reading helps me. Watching video does not, I catch myself trying to stay awake to see the end, which I don't do with books. Alcohol definitely can help me wind down, but it never actually makes me sleepy, so I would only recommend that if it is stress related.
8y, 35w reply