10y, 16w Al
Ideas / Design / Code
10y, 16w Vchabrette
Dirigeant OpenCharity. Dev logiciel et web. Voix off, doubleur, chanteur, amateur. Etudiant UTBM de 20 ans.
Tech Dir @ Webedia
10y, 8w Muranava
EFL teacher
10y, 5w Gryzzly
Simple time tracking for small teams and freelancers
I do design & code
10y, 5w Samuel
Water drinking
10y, 5w Myriam
Unique. As you.
9y, 47w Nesreen
an insignificant organism in an unlimited universe
4y, 19w Wout
figuring out 2020; jack of all trades, master of some
Jobfree. Coder. Salty things lover.
French developer trying to learn something new every day
ossia.io lead dev
jcelerier.name ~ 32y old from France
4y, 18w Vincent L.
Eclectic moron. Expects more with less clever tech. C++, Lisp, walking, simple life.
4y, 18w 🐵 Max
Indie Hacker. Founder.
2y, 45w Jack Grape
~ 43y old from France
2y, 31w 😎 Erdal
daoist teacher, former computer scientist, high and low tech
2y, 17w 🐸 Simon
~ 27y old from France
~ 32y old from Paris
Living life on mute
noop.pw ~ 28y old from Paris