👽 Massimo javascripture
Paul Woolcock "And so Crockford said unto thee, javascript shalt have Good Parts(tm) and bad parts, and thus it was written. And lo, the people shall henceforth only use the Good Parts(tm), and there was much rejoicing"
10y, 15w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin I was considering BTSync for database replication and backup, but not anymore.
Paul Woolcock you should check syncthing
10y, 15w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin I like -- well made effects. Now all I need is a picture service that plays nice with Sublevel.
Paul Woolcock what is your definition of "plays nice" in this case?
10y, 16w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin I'm not sure if that's an issue or a feature. If you force opening links in a new tab, you're stuck you that behavior. No browser has an option to open links in the same tab. But every browser has an option to open links in a new tab.
Paul Woolcock I agree, I would rather keep the current behavior. Plus, I keep open on a pinned tab in , and the behavior is, if the link is the same as the domain of the page you are on, it opens in the same tab. If the link goes to a page outside of the current domain, it opens in a new tab.
10y, 16w reply
Paul Woolcock ok, this is too cool to not share: Tool, "Lateralus," arranged for 2 mandolins:
10y, 17w reply ¬
10y, 17w reply ¬
Paul Woolcock finally got my turntable back up and running. goddammit, it sounds good.
10y, 17w reply ¬
10y, 17w reply ¬
💬 Subreply Sublevel is now as fast as 200ms. This means less time for Sublevel, more time for you.
Paul Woolcock I always know when sublevel gets an update; my session expires :)
10y, 17w reply
Paul Woolcock Some philosophy on today. Gotta love Seneca.
10y, 17w 1 reply ¬
Mattschmulen classic ... Diogenes still takes it in my mind. penelope.uchicago....
10y, 15w reply
Paul Woolcock Kinda sheepish that I had never heard of Baroness until "Yellow & Green," Red is turning into one of my favorite albums
10y, 17w reply ¬
Paul Woolcock firefox extension idea: when you hover over a link to an XKCD cartoon, it is displayed in a popover
10y, 17w reply ¬
10y, 17w 1 reply ¬
Paul Woolcock When I saw this near the top on the front page of , I thought it was a joke, and that someone had gamed the site. But it is actually very interesting:
10y, 18w reply ¬
Tyler Deitz i think you will appreciate the ios webapp sun ( it forces the user to add the webapp to their homescreen before revealing features. this makes it much easier to control the UX of the application. i don't know if this is something you'd want to implement for sublevel but it's pretty neat!
Paul Woolcock I actually love that app, but that "feature" disqualifies it as a "frictionless product." Certainly, adding it to the home screen should be encouraged, but forcing the user through a series of steps just to use the product is, by definition, "friction"
10y, 18w 1 reply
Simon Janes "Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all"
Paul Woolcock nice to see a fellow stoic on sublevel :)
10y, 18w 1 reply