Thomas Burgess Figuring out sub and myself.
🦿 Lucian Marin I'm curious, is it self introspection?
3y, 44w 11 replies
Thomas Burgess I am currently experimenting with writing more, this seems like a nice way to get thoughts out with less surrounding bs. Awesome project btw!
3y, 44w 10 replies
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Sergiusz For me it looks a little bit like a Talos Principle
3y, 44w 3 replies
Thomas Burgess Elaborate please!
3y, 43w 2 replies
👽 Nik Rajpal What's something you've written about?
3y, 44w 1 reply
Thomas Burgess Scientific publications and outreach materials. Company tech blog. Some popular articles, It's just not very personal.
3y, 43w reply
💻 Kernel Tell us a story!
3y, 44w 3 replies
Thomas Burgess Yes, this is what i want to do... but it takes time... what makes a good story to you?
3y, 43w 2 replies