🧐 Nrmn Are you all using fraidyc.at ?
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🐵 Max I was looking for an RSS reader for a specific blog, and my first reaction was to search on subreply. So I saw your post and I just started using it. However I never used RSS feed before and I don't really what I could use fraidycat for, except for this particular blog.
3y, 28w 1 reply
🧐 Nrmn Great that my random question was of some use after all. You can follow much more than just RSS feeds with it, which is why I like it so much. I follow people on Instagram, Twitter, Mastodon and Twtxt via Fraidycat.
3y, 28w reply
🐢 Keb I tried it briefly last month, and thought the format was refreshing. However, I reverted to Inoreader as I find it more powerful. I would like to switch to a more minimal RSS reader that does not require a browser addon, however.
3y, 30w reply
🍁 John J. I just started. Is there something I don't? Don't know whether you intended to sound so ominous. :-D
3y, 31w 1 reply
🧐 Nrmn I actually got back to it thanks to yours and eli_oats twtxt
3y, 30w reply