Mhmm diverse set of people != diverse set of voices and ideas, true or false?
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👉 Léo I would replace that "!=" by "not necessarily". The contrapositive is also "not necessarily".
··· 3y, 40w 2 replies
Mhmm ahh yes, the need for a "not necessarily" operator is greatly desired. we must wait for the mathematicians to agree upon it :P
3y, 40w 1 reply
☕ David Antoine Can be both I guess, depending on the subject. On your education or as a consequence of your life experiences. On the cultural state of a given society, etc. Plenty of factors... Mostly true w/ mass brainwashing. And if you replace the left part by 'free thinking set of people', does it then become strictly an equivalence? :)
··· 3y, 40w 1 reply
Mhmm yes, the degree-ness may be of importance of how those factors will be weighted to flipping true <-> false. i wonder how one would go about enumerating all possible factors?
3y, 40w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin We see diverse ideas from the same people on different threads.
3y, 40w 1 reply
Mhmm You have a idea classifier running so that we can see this via comments / accnt? :P
3y, 40w reply