Tga The way Sublevel is minimal and fast is inspiring. 785B JavaScript, no crazy frameworks, no BS. GJ ! (some better typography would be nice though)
🤔 John Typography looks to me as nice as anything on Windows/Chrome.
7y, 11w 6 replies
Tga I was thinking of more spacing in key places, now it's all kinda mashed together. Possibly a nicer font face too.
7y, 11w 5 replies
Martijn What font face would you expect? It mostly defaults to whatever the smoothest system sans-serif is on your machine with the current CSS.
7y, 11w 4 replies
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Tga Personally I'd go with a single (web) font for a consistent look, otherwise it probably doesn't matter that much as long as it's readable.
7y, 11w 3 replies
Martijn I think not serving a font file from the server is another performance decision, but can comment on that more.
7y, 11w 2 replies