7y, 21w Tga @tga
Martijn I think not serving a font file from the server is another performance decision, but can comment on that more.
Tga Good point, I guess I'm contradicting myself here. One single font would weigh heavier than the whole page, scripts and styles included.
7y, 20w reply
Martijn What font face would you expect? It mostly defaults to whatever the smoothest system sans-serif is on your machine with the current CSS.
Tga Personally I'd go with a single (web) font for a consistent look, otherwise it probably doesn't matter that much as long as it's readable.
7y, 21w 3 replies
🤔 John Typography looks to me as nice as anything on Windows/Chrome.
Tga I was thinking of more spacing in key places, now it's all kinda mashed together. Possibly a nicer font face too.
7y, 21w 5 replies
Tga The way Sublevel is minimal and fast is inspiring. 785B JavaScript, no crazy frameworks, no BS. GJ ! (some better typography would be nice though)
🤔 John Typography looks to me as nice as anything on Windows/Chrome.
😀 Tom Unfortunately mentions don't work when it's attached to punctuation. You have to have a space in between like this: !
7y, 21w reply
Mark Dain Drop XMPP, and that's me. I never quite got into it; but I'd be willing to experiment with it. Any tips/starting points? I should say I use PGP mostly to encrypt my own files, but I do receive lots of signed and encrypted emails from my ISP and Facebook.
Tga matrix.org / riot.im is like XMPP but possibly better and definitely trendier
7y, 21w reply