John Olinda Developers using IRC for tech support is - I believe - primarily a way of feeling superior to non-users. I'm not saying it's not something you can use, but using IRC as your support channel is only a way of excluding people who don't know how to use your aging and increasingly marginal technology. I think IRC is great, but I think there are better tools for helping your customers.
🦿 Lucian Marin Another benefit of IRC is that conversations aren't stored on a server. Companies like privacy.
8y, 46w 4 replies
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Martijn Not true. IRC server software can easily be used to log all text that goes through it, InspIRCd is one I have heard supports logging on the server side. This holds even for private messages between two people, unless of course you switch to DCC.
8y, 46w 3 replies
Mark Dain Well, yeah, any system that uses a server can be configured to log things. What he means is IRC doesn't require messages to be stored, unlike say, Facebook Messenger.
8y, 46w 2 replies