Adam Douglas There are too many ephemeral/stream-of-consciousness/Twitter-clone communities emerging. I don't know how to spread my random thoughts between the old ones and the new ones at all. I'd just pick one and stick with it but IRC NEEDS ME.
🦿 Lucian Marin You can use your Sublevel profile RSS feed to automatically post on other networks.
9y, 16w 2 replies
John Olinda Do you recommend a particular tool for this or would IFTTT suffice? Also, would it post replies or likes? Would want to filter those out.
9y, 16w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin IFTTT will do it. {{EntryTitle}} is your username. {{EntryContent}} is the content you submitted to Sublevel, unfiltered. Just updates (no replies or likes) are included in the profile RSS feed.
9y, 16w reply
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