Diva A lot of uncertainty ahead of the creation of the new department, and one of my colleagues is anxious & concerned; it is impacting their wellbeing and mental health.
🗨️ Fui As someone who struggles a lot with anxiety, I can definitely empathize. My remedy has been a daily dose of meditation. It has kept anxiety at more bearable levels.
3y, 41w 4 replies
💻 Kernel What kind of meditation has worked for you? How do I set myself up so it doesn't feel like it is time wasted?
3y, 41w 2 replies
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🗨️ Fui I've been doing open awareness meditation every day more than 3 years now. I know there are a lot of techniques, many meditation styles, but this suits me best.
3y, 41w reply
Diva Really good questions
3y, 41w reply