🤘 Jasko
my foray into "rural gigabit" led me to a surprisingly usable "FCC broadband map," that you can filter to 250mbps/1gbit speeds and see what parts of the country have availability as of 2019. I'm going to try to remember this in case I have to move one day
4y, 8w
1 reply
Cole Hudson
I was looking into the same thing not too long ago, I found quite a few state governments which had their own maps too: California (www.broadbandmap.ca.gov/), New York (gis.dot.ny.gov/hostingny/rest/services/BroadbandAvailability_WGS/MapServer), Utah (mapserv.utah.gov/broadband/), West Virginia (broadband.wv.gov/i...), etc.
4y, 8w
Enny John
While web developers can easily build stuffs, do they think about finding business development guys just as biz dev guys are daily looking to connect with developer/CTO co-founders to co-create together?
🤘 Jasko
With WFH in effect due to covid19 (maybe forever), I would move somewhere remote/rural if I knew reliable fiber internet was available for reasonably cost (I pay $70/mo for gigabit in a metro area rn). Someone build me a real estate website that helps me find my dream home in the boonies.
4y, 8w
🤘 Jasko
I find it weird that trending always indents/spaces replies, but linking to an individual message does not. This is especially confusing when you're in the middle of a tree of replies, and are unsure who is replying to who.
4y, 9w
😶 Chris
tap, tap, tap... is this thing on?
go is not really close to C++ in terms of performance compared to Rust.; go is often around 3x-4x C++ speed, rust is on par with C++: Compare on benchmarksgame-tea...
Ganesh Khade
I found out, VS Code runs better on Mac OS somehow but not so on other systems, Elementary OS. Also, developers in developing countries tend to have, less powerful systems.
Ganesh Khade
What do you recommend, Vim, Sublime Text or VS Code for a newbie? I used to recommed VS Code, but everyone I recommend complained about, how slow it was than Sublime Text.
🤘 Jasko
What web framework would you use to build something right now?
4y, 9w
2 replies
🤔 David
I've been playing around with Svelte lately and having fun.
☝️ Jean-David Moisan
I'm liking vuejs with Vite. github.com/vitejs/...
4y, 9w