Diva Gorgeous weather this morning! A nice walk in the park, where the leaves are turning from green to red, gold and brown. Any other Autumn/Fall fans here?
🗨️ Fui I somewhat miss having seasons. All of the are special in their own unique ways, for what makes them so unique is how they follow one another. That becomes very clear once you only have one season all around the year.
··· 3y, 36w 7 replies
🧐 Nrmn where are you?
3y, 36w 5 replies
🗨️ Fui In Recife, Brazil. Summer 365.
3y, 36w 4 replies
Diva Ahh, yes of course. Is there a way that you mark "seasons"? Like with the availability of certain food/fruit?
3y, 36w 1 reply
🗨️ Fui Nowadays, no. Only the prices change (but not that much). The only visible difference is that it either rains a lot or it simply doesn't. It's either not so hot or very hot. That means you get 2, 3 harvests a year, depending on the fruit.
··· 3y, 36w reply
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