🦄 Chip Uni Lots of us here are programmers. What's your favorite programming language, and why?
😸 Iaroslav PDP Asm - for being extremely concise . C - for getting me into software development seriously . Golang - surprisingly funny pidgin C )
3y, 40w reply
Eric I made something stupid in github.com/bogstan...
🦿 Lucian Marin That's how Sublevel started, just stupid simple text form.
5y, 36w 1 reply
John Olinda Haha, so I *just* started a Spaces group and found out Google's canning it theverge.com/2017/...
Mark Dain I'd strongly urge you to never build anything on top of a Google product or platform. Ever. Always look for an alternative. There's some exceptions that feel safe like Golang or NaCl but anything that isn't in Google's core products (search, ads, chrome, gmail) is subject to cancellation, API breakage, and general shittiness; especially for customer support. Even paid stuff, like Google Site Search was recently announced as cancelled. Please don't ever use Google products, you'll just encourage the constant rise/fall tide.
7y, 8w reply
Nkrs Go 1.7 has been released (golang.org/doc/go1.7). This is perhaps the one piece of software where I'm excited about reading the release notes: there's always something improved. This time it is faster compilation and execution, along with smaller binaries.
Mark Dain The smaller binary note is good! I heard the binary size has increased almost every version.
7y, 35w 1 reply
Mark Dain Oh that's interesting. I wonder if that's a bug/edge case in the parser? Also, I like the on-the-fly structure thing, I do that all the time in unit tests
8y, 3w 1 reply
Mark Dain Hmm... Yeah it seems people like to color comments and strings but not keywords. I'll see what works. Could you post a screenshot of your setup?
Nkrs Here it is: imgur.com/WNKpH26. Doesn't have strings or keywords, but those have no special treatment. I've made it look like code samples on golang.org.
8y, 6w 1 reply
Nkrs This is some exceptional progress: tip.golang.org/doc... I'm excited about fixes in map literal syntax, new floating point type in bignum library, nicer output from flag package, and improvements to image processing libraries.
8y, 38w reply ¬