Sergiusz It is high time for a Sign Language
🦿 Lucian Marin Universal languages have their place in the day-to-day life. Traffic signs will make self-driving cars work.
3y, 39w 4 replies
💩 Niklas But isn't that argument the wrong way around? Traffic signs are just used because they're already there and have to be obeyed as long as there are still human drivers. If we were to design self-driving cars first, wouldn't we use a more precise and efficient method of communication, like by interconnecting all cars or centralize the routing at intersections? Nothing against Sign Language or the idea of universal languages in general though.
3y, 38w 3 replies
☕ David Antoine Interconnecting and centralizing the routing will probably be the way to go for a full scale selfdriving network, at least to some extent I suppose. Then I wonder. If we think about the enroute air traffic network, are we going to have slots for departures when you take your car? In Aviation they are used to avoid congestion in the skies, basically. And if you miss one of those 'Calculated Take Off Time' you can be stuck for a long time. And they are expensive as well...
3y, 38w 2 replies
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💩 Niklas I can't imagine there will be departure slots for cars, at least not of notable lengths. Cars can be controlled in a much more fine-grained way than planes and -- more importantly -- can start driving anywhere, so there aren't any high-traffic areas like airports, except intersections which are nothing compared to an airport. It also won't be the case that there's a constant stream of cars on the streets, at least I hope so...
3y, 38w 1 reply
☕ David Antoine Good points. We are still far away from it anyway and I guess the urban configuration of a given city will play a role as well in how traffic will be managed...
3y, 38w reply