Mark Dain ancarda.blob.core.... SECRETARY WANTED. Minimum wage. Part time. No benefits. I'm apparently unable to handle the number of emails I receive these days. Experience with PGP ideal.
😀 Tom Are they mostly newsletters or something?
7y, 21w 3 replies
Mark Dain Yeah, there's also a lot of notifications. Won't take too long to clean up but I swear I'm getting too much mail these days. Perhaps I can make some filters.
7y, 21w 2 replies
☕ David Antoine Maybe that's not the best solution but you could only make one filter : archive every mail older than 3 days for example, so you only see the most recent mails at a glance... And when you need to find a mail from someone or about a specific subject, just search for it. And if it is important in some way, "star it"...
7y, 21w reply
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