Martijn Booked my tickets and hotel and will be attending IndieWebCamp Brighton in September!
Mark Dain Awesome! Would be cool to meet up one day. Any reason you went for a hotel and not AirBnB?
7y, 35w 4 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Does it make sense to pick AirBnB for short stays? I will only look at AirBnB for medium stays (one, two weeks most) and for longer periods I'll just rent a place. Now the medium stays are the most uncommon. That's why don't see what's all the fuss with AirBnB.
7y, 34w 2 replies
Mark Dain I'd guess people pick Uber for much the same reasons they pick AirBnB; it feels like it's run by actual humans and not controlled, regulated and packaged by some faceless corporation who doesn't care about you. We now have a choice to opt-out of that thanks to the sharing economy. Being able to stay with hosts is, for me, the most compelling feature of AirBnB. There's also some amazing places to stay that are stunningly beautiful, unlike basically any hotel I've been to (which includes 5 star hotels that were paid for).
7y, 34w 1 reply
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🦿 Lucian Marin I will pick an over regulated industry over any corporation on any given day. Who knows, maybe the serial killer in Bone Collector 2 will be an Uber driver that stays in an AirBnB apartment.
7y, 34w reply