Anatasof Wirapraja Been using sublime text for years and heard about visual code for a couple months any of you guys tried it and could give me some review?
Mark Dain Do you mean Visual Studio? I used it back around 2008 but only for C#. From what I can remember it was very good for .NET but web development was too ASP orientated so I used Notepad++ for that.
8y, 47w 4 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin He's reffering to Visual Studio Code ( which wasn't updated since release. Oh wait... there's an update on the site, but v0.1.0 say there aren't any updates available.
8y, 47w 1 reply
Anatasof Wirapraja I assume you have it installed but never used it then? Hahahah
8y, 47w reply
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