🦿 Lucian Marin The frictionless product. It's about Sublevel. lucianmarin.com/ar...
Tyler Deitz i think you will appreciate the ios webapp sun (pattern.dk/sun). it forces the user to add the webapp to their homescreen before revealing features. this makes it much easier to control the UX of the application. i don't know if this is something you'd want to implement for sublevel but it's pretty neat!
9y, 37w 2 replies
Paul Woolcock I actually love that app, but that "feature" disqualifies it as a "frictionless product." Certainly, adding it to the home screen should be encouraged, but forcing the user through a series of steps just to use the product is, by definition, "friction"
9y, 37w 1 reply
Tyler Deitz that's a good point! maybe if a sublevel user chooses to launch the app from the homescreen it would completely remove the chrome of the browser, but not add any new features to the app.
9y, 37w reply
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