John Olinda Man, what I would have given to have the Ubuntu Edge.
😀 Tom If it was available, it would be my next phone. I've had my Nexus 5 for 18 months now, but I think it has at least another 18 months of quality life left in it.
8y, 23w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Can you take a screenshot of your apps? I curious if I can find any quality apps on Android. 4+ years of iOS makes me a bit nervous when it comes to Android.
8y, 23w 1 reply
😀 Tom I don't use very many apps, and it would be easier if I just list them (especially since I hid the app labels). Gmail, Fastmail, iHeartRadio, Pandora, Firefox, Opera, Teamviewer, VLC, Flud (torrent client), Gas Buddy (find cheap fuel), AroundMe, BGNJ (best backgammon AI I've found, paid), BlackVue (dash cam interface), Nova Launcher (customize interface, paid for extra features), Plex, Skype, Textra (better SMS/MMS app, paid to remove ads), Twilight (removes blue for easy reading at night), Waze, Word Lens (awesome app to translate text in real time from camera). I had iOS before this, and objectively, it's not any worse IMO.
8y, 22w reply
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