Dave Walk Overhead a guy today explaining how his service for hiring managers uses predictive filtering to weed out job applicants automatically. Out of all of the applications of machine learning this good be one of the worst. Like how it would deny someone if they didn't have X years of experience in mySQL. It's really kind of sad.
🙄 Doug Belshaw Well it's better than one person I heard of who (literally) threw the hundreds of paper applications from the top of his stairs. Ones that got to the bottom were 'meant to be interviewed'. To be honest, the fit between what most organisations need and how they filter - usually by awkward credentials - is broken. That's why Open Badges are so exciting: openbadges.org
9y, 28w 6 replies
Josh Sharp I've heard that story! Surely apocryphal?
9y, 28w 2 replies
😀 Tom I've heard the version where the person who was supposed to go through applications took the top half of a stack and threw it into the trash saying, "I don't want to hire unlucky people." I think that was on reddit...
9y, 19w reply
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