Eric Stock Illuminator is all client side so you can just steal the code and hack a better version yourself :) Otherwise just being me over the improvements on here and I'll put them in the hosted version.
😀 Tom It only took a few minutes to become an "Ascended Being, A Higher Power ^". I only wish it was that easy in the real world :-)
9y, 19w 4 replies
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Eric Do you want more levels? I need motivation to work on this thing again. It's a gem of mine I should pay more attention to.. Feature requests plz
9y, 19w 3 replies
😀 Tom I went back to the game, and it only took 30 seconds to beat it. You're letting out of market cash be a negative number, so I just add a lot of zeros to how many stocks I buy, find one that is at $1 and can only go up, wait till it goes up, sell and win. Allowing negative cash and stopping stock prices at $1 are not accurate to the real world. It would be cool if it mirrored actual stock price history (just randomize the names and time periods so no one can get an edge that way). Maybe add Range, Market Cap, P/E, and similar stats if you are going to use real stock price data.
9y, 18w 2 replies