AppleScript Jedi. Haskell Padawan.
💬 Subreply
You can take private notes and send private messages to others too.
Every time I log in, I find myself clicking and clicking repeatedly on each link to figure out how to post, see the timeline, see what I wrote, etc. Not finding it intuitive. Asked @sublevel about a tutorial; no response. * Eventually, I'll get to something that says Note. Looks like regular text, but it's a link. (Weird UI/UX.) Sometimes adding a Note puts it on the Timeline and sometimes not. * At this moment, it feels like I'm playing Riven.
7y, 22w
😀 Tom
When I was a kid and something didn't work with a computer, I would try to fix it. Now when something doesn't work with a computer, I get pissed off and wonder, "Why doesn't it just work?" I think I became broken somewhere along the way.
💬 Subreply
You just did. What else is there to post?
HaD rocks my favorite logo of all time; as badass as the site itself. The fierce llama is brought to you by Cotopaxi, a Salt Lake City based outdoor retailer. They produce gear from recycled materials/scrap that last practically forever, and encourage their employees to take creative license when fabricating their designs. It reminds me that you can find a way to hack anything for the better.
7y, 23w
4 replies
💬 Subreply
You just did. What else is there to post?
7y, 23w
3 replies
Mark Dain
More war? That's honestly news to me, I've not seen much happening, other than the DPRK launching missiles. I already said I'd rather take the risk and be glad I actually tried as the alternative is I moan about how miserable and unhappy I am where I live. Because that's all people have for me when I ask them "ok, if I give up, what should I do instead", they just shrug and don't know. Unless you have a concrete solution to my ongoing pain I have being here, then please stop with the drive-by unsolicited advice.
More war is news to you? Oh. This is one of the voices talking about the things mainstream media is not covering. paulcraigroberts.o... There are many more. Please stop with unsolicited advice? You asked what you should do. On social media. You may not like my answer, and that's fair. But you did solicit. But I'm happy to drop the subject. Good luck.
7y, 23w
Mark Dain
Can you elaborate on "the way things are going"? I've never been worried about the current administration. It seems nobody ever asks me how I feel, they just assert I'll be making a mistake if I move as they don't like the president. I can't change what my dream is, all I can do is either ignore/suppress it and feel unauthentic and miserable or fight to accomplish it and at the very least be glad I tried.
The current administration seems to simply be continuing many of the policies of previous administrations. The trend seems to be more war and continuing economic policies. Looking at the history of other countries following similar trends leads me to believe you might much happier elsewhere in the coming years.
7y, 23w
2 replies
💬 Subreply
Out of 16,432 entries on Sublevel only 177 entries are longer than 512 characters and only 276 entries are longer than 480 characters. 9.7% (1,602) of the entries are longer than 256 characters. 27.8% (4,567) of the entries are longer than 140 characters. Cutting back the character limit is on the table.
Mark Dain
Should I give up on my dream of moving to America? I've been trying for years on end to find a way to move, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm wasting my time. I don't know how to do it. I fail every interview and every other opportunity I see doesn't work for me. For example, you can enlist in the army to become a citizen but you need a green card to do that first. Can't get a green card until, most likely, I have a visa. Can't get a visa until I, most likely, become very rich or get hired. Every opportunity I try to look at doesn't work. What should I do, Sublevel?
🏒 Lucian Marin
Twist ( is exactly how my project management app would have worked. My ideas aren't always unique, except maybe Sublevel.
Wow. Someone should tell
7y, 23w
Someone used my email address (I assume by mistake) for their Apple ID and now my inbox has 20+ emails from Apple to verify it. No idea what I can do or who to contact - it lists some physical address in Ireland but no links or information on what to do in case the email wasn't for me.
Interesting discussion at among others with the same issue.
7y, 23w
1 reply