🏴‍☠️ Serge Keller *First impressions* - What I really like about Sublevel: simple, clear interface ("freshness" effect), RSS feeds (yay!), apparently there's an API, friendly on mobiles - What bothers me a bit, as a new user: not easy to find out how to "like" a post, no evident way to (perma-)link directly to a post for outside reference, not evident to understand difference between "current" and "timeline" under (but this can be learned). Overall, a nice and promising place that I will keep an interested eye on!
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Walter Mcginnis Yeah, great to have RSS feeds. I remember when Twitter had them, including for search results. Super handy. More power to standard feeds!
8y, 7w reply
Martijn Lets hope reads this. (Ping!) Hopefully you stay around long enough to learn the oddities!
🏴‍☠️ Serge Keller Oh, meanwhile I figured out a couple of them. But I wanted to note the fact that I had to figure them out: points that may be also intimidating to other newcomers...
Mark Dain Always great to have more people here! Thanks for the follow on keybase
8y, 7w reply