🦿 Lucian Marin The only way I can test Blink Shell and Firefox Focus is to build them in Xcode and run them in the Simulator. I really need a new iPhone. I hope I can find a good SE.
Mark Dain Not sure what Blink shell is (the rendering engine?) but Firefox Focus is basically a UIWebView with some ad/tracking filtering. I've been using it on Sublevel all day and it works absolutely fine because Sublevel is built in standardized HTML and doesn't have anything it would filter. If it works in Mobile Safari, it'll work fine in Firefox Focus. imgur.com/HOv1AiN
7y, 23w 4 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin These are the newest apps and they target only 64-bit iPhones. Blink Shell is a terminal emulator with SSH and Mosh support. It costs $20 and it's also open source. Both apps (and Sublevel) can be built with Xcode and run on your iPhone.
7y, 23w 3 replies
Simon Janes Mosh is magical stuff. It would be nice if more protocols were resilient like it.
7y, 23w 1 reply
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🦿 Lucian Marin I like that it uses UDP and maintains connection, but the screen sync stuff is a limitation. No scrollback support is an issue for me. I have to use SSH to get work done while Mosh is just for quick deploys or edits.
7y, 23w reply