John Olinda That Surface Studio. Wow.
🦿 Lucian Marin I like the new Space Gray MacBook Pro more, that version without Touch Bar.
7y, 26w 6 replies
Personavox Figures as I'm in need of buying a laptop. A Dpu(dedicated GPu) is essential. Thus mbp only offers in top tier. 2,339. Microsoft new surface have dpu. Come on. I would love to design on such a device. Limitless options. I'm still working on getting a computer. :( fail :(. Ideas intelligent analysts here.
7y, 26w 2 replies
Martijn I have heard pretty good things about the Intel Iris, but I too would prefer a "dpu". I might not go for it this time around and put those extra couple of 100's towards a separate tower PC instead the way it is now.
7y, 26w 1 reply
Seth Kontny Thanks. I don't really have option for a tower. As I'm constantly working in multiple locations and doing jobs for companies / people / multiple varieties. I read about MacBook pros having 2010 level hardware ?? medium.freecodecam...
7y, 26w reply
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