Likes FOSS.
🤖 Seirdy Some OC from a few weeks ago: A lack of source code doesn't mean we automatically can't know what a piece of software does, or analyze its security properties. I try to support FLOSS for the right reasons. A rather long post.
··· 2y, 8w reply ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin I want to add social links to profiles. What other social networks do you use?
🤖 Seirdy Fediverse (Mastodon, Pleroma, etc), personal website,, Hacker News, Teddit, and some others. I'd say that arbitrary key-value fields on profiles would be better; one column can be the name of the platform while the other an be a URL, similar to what most Fediverse sites do.
3y, 3d reply
Miso What's your favorite text editor?
🤖 Seirdy Neovim. Can be lightweight or can be a full IDE with the language-server protocol and tree-sitter, or anything in between. Scriptable in Lua (with LuaJIT) because VimScript sucks. A keybind lets me edit any textarea in a floating nvim window, including this one.
··· 3y, 3d reply
🤖 Seirdy Some misinformation has been spreading online today about FLoC; FLoC is bad but some advice wrt opting out consists of flawed blanket statements. People have been harassing maintainers and webmasters to add an opt-out header when doing so isn't always necessary. Addressed the misinfo here:
3y, 3d reply ¬
🤖 Seirdy New blog post: about alternative search engines that use their own indexes (instead of proxying Google/Bing/Yandex):
☕ David Antoine Saved that one... Very interesting, thanks!
3y, 5w reply
Zero Edge Tech is the new tower of babel.
🤖 Seirdy Second post in the series about communication platforms is called "Keeping platforms open":
3y, 7w reply ¬
🤖 Seirdy Published two related posts about chat apps, open platforms, and the free software movement. The first one is "Whatsapp and the domestication of users":
3y, 7w reply ¬
Sergiusz Explicit setup manual. Let us know when you'll publish the code!
🤖 Seirdy getting back to working on MOAC, a tool for password strength analysis using physical limits to computation:
3y, 7w 1 reply
🤖 Seirdy Published a new blog post: Becomming physically immune to brute-force attacks: What if a brute-force attack was limited only by available mass-energy in the universe?
3y, 13w reply ¬
🐢 Keb Curious; how large is the node_modules folder for a svelte-kit project? It looks awesome, but I've become more and more mindful of my harddrive space.
🤖 Seirdy pnpm can also save space, but yeah the dep hell is a very real thing in the JS landscape. (first comment!)
··· 3y, 20w 1 reply