Jani Mustonen Hmm. I always advocate for decentralized software, but this seems to hit a nice niche. Definitely a bit janky to click through messages, only seeing a single level of answers. 2-3 would be much nicer. A touch of javascript could smoothen out the experience (say, peeking at replies without opening a new page), but it's a nice start.
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Martijn You can see further than a single level, actually. This thread and are examples of that. I find it an interesting way to dive into different branches of a discussion.
7y, 2w 1 reply
Jani Mustonen I realized that immediately after posting this. Oh well. :)
7y, 2w reply
Mark Dain Honestly, Sublevel is one of my favorite places to hang out because it's so brutally simple. A lot of core users here have Pinboard and Hacker News accounts too; other sites that dare to be minimal. I always thought alternate ways to experience Sublevel could come through a native client + API, but I think hasn't gotten round to it yet.
Kodo The interface makes the app. like mastodon for example. the UX is awesome. with a mobile app it just feels like another gnu social instance
7y, 2w reply
Jani Mustonen Oh, I didn't mean bulky 100k LoC javascript that Twitter has. Just simple things, like updating the feed without refreshing. I adore minimalism, as it keeps the design focused.
7y, 2w 1 reply
Kodo I really like the 'conversation first' feel to it. It's not about some douchebag broadcasting 'influcence' to his followers but more about what people across the site are talking about
Jani Mustonen Definitely. It works well with a relatively small community, but I have no idea how it'd hold up if sublevel gets popular.
7y, 2w 1 reply