💬 Subreply Sublevel for OS X (Yosemite and El Capitan) can be downloaded from GitHub (github.com/lucianm...). Source code is also available.
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Mark Dain You may want to add Sparkle for updates: sparkle-project.org
8y, 46w reply
Martijn What licence is the source available under?
8y, 46w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin MIT Licence. Updated both OS X and iOS readme files.
8y, 46w reply
💻 Anatasof make it "brew"able please :D
8y, 46w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin You can do that if you want. Fork it then send a pull request.
8y, 46w reply
Martijn You could try #18342 !
8y, 46w reply