💬 Subreply Introducing "live" avatars. Everyone will notice your new selfie instantly. This change will make Sublevel appear more alive.
Martijn I thought this was like Apple's live photos for a moment, and was waiting for your avatar to move. Then I realised it is just the cache busting implementation from #17805 going live.
8y, 50w 5 replies
Mark Dain Oh I'm gutted that doesn't point to that post ID. I'm surprised there's been 17k posts! That's really cool
8y, 50w 4 replies
Martijn I am hoping that link (and the following one) will automatically resolve when gets to it, as described in #17754
8y, 50w 3 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I got this working nicely! I call it the hashref, similar to a hashtag. cc:
8y, 49w 2 replies
Martijn And there was much rejoicing Thanks for the continued work on making better!
8y, 49w reply
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