🕹ī¸ Louise Are there any lucid dreamers here? I have some questions.
4y, 19w 8 replies
🕹ī¸ Louise Basically: 1. how easy is for you to go into a lucid dream? how long it took you to get to that state? what's the best recommendations you can provide?
··· 4y, 19w 7 replies
😃 Javier Answers: 1. Not easy. Day dreaming helps. It took me 20 years daydreaming . Watch movie Waking life. Most of my lucid dreams revolve around unresolved issues. Long days in front of the screen had reduced my ability for it. Prime your mind with thoughts and ideas before going to sleep.
4y, 19w 1 reply
🕹ī¸ Louise Alright, thanks for the tips!
4y, 19w reply
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