👨đŸģ‍đŸ’ģ Moroni What tv shows are you watching? I'm watching Handmaid's Tale, Mr. Robot, Westworld and Dark.
👉 LÊo I am watching Better Call Saul, really good acting. I've also enjoyed watching Westworld and the Handmaids Tale. Westworld's first season is by far the best, I think they really dropped the ball with the third one.
😏 Yt L. I had to stop watching Westworld season three. Shame. I thought they had good ideas, good effects, good cinematography, good actors... It just did not come together well and lost the magic season one had.
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🗨ī¸ Fui I had a similar experience. I tried for 3 episodes, but something felt off. I just couldn't relate. So I stopped watching.
4y, 4w reply
☕ David Antoine I stopped at the first episode of season two. Or maybe the second episode, don't remember... Don't watch TV show or movies as often. But I did watch the season one of a small show called 'Upload' , nothing special but pretty nice. About a guy who gets murdered and end up uploaded in a virtual reality world... The tone is on the comedy side. 10 episodes. 'His Dark Materials' was nice too, the CGI used for animals is awesome in it...
··· 4y, 4w reply