Zero Edge I feel like quantum physics and time are likely related. If you could observe the future, you could make a change to it which would collapse that future.. The same thing happens in quantum physics where just observing something changes its results.
☕ David Antoine Observing the future to "collapse its associated wave function" and select a specific outcome to control future events? That could be a nice pitch for a movie or a TV show. Or a book. Maybe it has been done... But indeed, space, time, causality, emergence, quantum behavior, etc, are all part of a big puzzle that physicists are trying to solve while having been starved for the past decades of new/unexpected experimental data. It is a... Complicated field (duh).
··· 4y, 5w 2 replies
😏 Yt L. I thought this is where they were going with Devs (spoilers) - they have a machine that can see the past or future but employees are forbidden from looking at the future. I thought the reason would be that looking at the future determines it, but they didn't really explore that.
4y, 5w 1 reply
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☕ David Antoine I saw the trailer for that TV show but I didn't give it a try yet... Not have been in the mood of watching movies and TV shows for a while.
4y, 5w reply