Zero Edge Quantum Physics. What about two worlds instead of "many worlds"? True vs False. 0 vs 1. Light vs Darkness. Conscious vs Subconcious.
💻 Kenneth Jensen This is something that came up today while talking about Yin and Yang and alternate realities. Decision-making is usually binary (yes, I will; no, I will not), but what about picking things? My quantum physics is rusty, what does many options imply? Electron clouds come to mind. As entropy increases, does it distribute evenly? Which system? What the hell is a string?
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☕ David Antoine My QM knowledge is much too basic, so here is a good 4 min video which is a good starting point regarding the multi/many worlds theories. The Strings theory is the most studied and receives the most funding but doesn't seem to work and takes away talents from other avenue of research. Garrett Lisi, Eric Weinstein and Steven Wolfram or even Lee Smolin are examples of scientists going out of mainstream physics to try develop different theories.
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