Yo Dude ok, day 2... could see engagement has worn off, lets see how it goes..
🦄 Chip Uni Subreply is not as deeply engaging as Twitter or Facebook. It doesn't have flashing animations, movie stars, or entertainers. Further, most of the people who joined recently (like me!) came from Headline News, where we already have discussions. So, yeah -- engagement will drop. The question is: Can Subreply maintain a good core set of people, and build into its own media?
4y, 23w 3 replies
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🤔 David Where I see subreply filling a niche is acting as a place for longer-paced discussions that span days, rather than a few minutes or hours. The problem with that is it's hard to navigate the interface at first, and there isn't a great tracking system in place for following various threads besides using save.
4y, 23w reply
🍃 Matt Harwood Does it need to build in to _anything_? Cannot it not just be what it is, without needing to be cultured and monetised? Like how things used to be...
4y, 23w 1 reply
🧔 Justin Small is fine, but too small and a few popular folks leaving could mean everyone leaving. Gotta find that happy medium
4y, 23w reply