📉 Bill What laptop does everyone use?
⌨️ Joseph Thinkpad T480. Bought it last year on eBay for about $450.
Oknaj Thinkpad T480. Bought it last year from Amazon for about $1600
⌨️ Joseph What are the specs on yours? Mine was the i5 with 8GB of Ram, the lower quality screen and a 240 SSD.
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Oknaj I have i7, 16 GB of Ram, high quality screen and 512 SSD. I decided to go all in since I use it privately / professionally.
⌨️ Joseph That makes sense, that's a nice machine :) I did end up buying an HD screen and put that on myself. Can't stand those low res screens. That's part of the reason I love thinkpads so much is that they are so easy to tinker with.
4y, 9w 1 reply