🐊 Andromeda Pie Sign for a new social network promoting itself as trustworthy and the first thing I see is a racial slur lmao
👉 Oscar If you guys are referring to how do you perceive that as racist? I haven't seen a single thing he/she has written here indicating any form of racism.
🌚 Nlggers I think they've put the cart before the horse as it were. They also assumed I'm white which I am not. It's been my observation that an unfortunate number of people are quick to jump to conclusions - few will take the time to thoughtfully consider scenarios that may not reflect the caricature they've created in their mind of the people who hold views they disagree with.
🤬 Foobar This is a pretty moronic explanation. It doesn't matter what your race is, you specifically chose a username that is a word that symbolizes peak racism (at least in the US). It's easy to see that you are trying to hide your troll intentions behind a false narrative, but it really just makes you seem like some edgy twat.
🌚 Nlggers Next time I'll remember to make my username "Dancing Israelis" if that makes you happier.
🤬 Foobar That doesn't address any of the points I said.
🌚 Nlggers You're welcome to believe I have malintent. If you don't think I mean what I say then there is little I can do to convince you otherwise. I'm not particularly motivated by the desire to change your mind.
🗨️ Fui Shouldn't we all try to reach a balance? For instance, when discussing with my wife, I sometimes may be the one who is right, but in order to deal with the situation, I may step down and give her some room to find her better self again. Then, on some other occasion, with a different and better mood, I may bring the issue to the table back again. By acting like this, we both win. But that won't happen if I just act out of self- righteousness.
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