🐊 Andromeda Pie Sign for a new social network promoting itself as trustworthy and the first thing I see is a racial slur lmao
👁️ Mbladra Did the internet boards always have racists, or has that been more of a recent thing
4y, 23w 22 replies
Juha Think about the human nature in general and you have an answer. We are not nice creatures
4y, 23w 9 replies
📉 Bill Think about all of nature in general. Humans are not some godly being in some love bubble disconnected from reality. Everything is in constant competition
4y, 23w 6 replies
Juha I do not understand what you're saying. What do you mean?
4y, 23w 5 replies
📉 Bill We can't ever "just get along". Everything in this world is inherently in competition to survive the next day.
4y, 23w 3 replies
Juha I would argue it to be more of an "indifference" rather than direct competition for survival. The world is entropy made infinite, sure. But thats just exaggeration.
4y, 23w reply
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