🐊 Andromeda Pie look I'm sure you meant well by starting this and maybe if you get some more women and people of color and LGBT folks to come hang out here it might be alright. But for now it's destined to become a right wing cesspool of evil white nazis. Don't let this be your legacy on the internet please.
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🌊 Zero Two I think the community is small enough for us to filter out hate
4y, 23w 1 reply
🤬 Foobar Can't really filter anything out if there isn't actually a way to filter (e.g. report, vote, etc...)
4y, 23w reply
🌝 William Nilliams I know it's not what you intended, but it's a little dehumanizing to suggest that diversity of race, sex, and orientation alone improves an online discussion. Everyone has agency and is capable of misusing their social capital to create an environment of intolerance. I believe the opposite is true too!
4y, 23w 3 replies
🐊 Andromeda Pie I didn't say "alone". You did!
4y, 23w 1 reply
🔚 Bort Simpson White men historically held all the positions of power in computing and computer history, so their inventions are the extensions of the cruel systems of oppression they enabled, celebrated, and prospered from -- at the expense of women, People of Color, indigenous populations, and other minority groups. By including more non-whites into our networks and power structures, we help to undo the historical trauma wrought by the callous hands of colonialists and murderers.
4y, 23w reply