🌊 Zero Two I have yet to see any use of
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☝️ Jean-David Moisan They don't seem to work that well. For example, 's matches everything with a 't', 'i', 'l' sequence in it.
4y, 9w reply
👁️ Mbladra What if I did ##
4y, 9w reply
🌚 Cosmo there's hashtags
4y, 9w 1 reply
🗨️ Fui (I just learned)
4y, 9w reply
🌘 Alana wtf theres hashtags
4y, 9w 1 reply
👁️ Mbladra Yeah but it looks like it doesn't really create it's own channel, clicking on them just searches for all instances of that word
4y, 9w reply