🏒 Lucian Marin Cambridge Analytica is shutting down, Facebook is just fine. This is the world we live in, the big guys always win. I wish someone would have the courage to shut down Facebook. MZ is smiling in our faces, again and again and again.
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😀 Tom > Cambridge Analytica is shutting down Supposedly it just changed names (created a new company that does the exact same thing).
6y, 19w reply
🤔 John CA operates a bunch of companies, someone already surfaced a list of new corporations with the same address / employees.
6y, 19w reply
👽 Paul Webb FB is too big to fail, just like the oil companies. However, it's big enough to die slowly...just like the oil companies. As long as there are people like us creating alternatives, everything will turn out okay in the end.
6y, 19w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I will continue working on Sublevel. There's a list of features (github.com/lucianm...) I want to add on GitHub. Hopefully you will make Socii public so I can join and promote it.
6y, 19w 1 reply