🏒 Lucian Marin I'm very demotivated after the last job. I don't want to start anything new. After the previous job I started Markdawn and Sublevel. I was very optimistic about the future, now I'm not. I'm thinking about doing a project management app. This is my only idea.
☕ David Antoine Starting something new is probably a good thing to keep your mind busy... Sorry to hear that as well. Have you thought about augmented really ? It's starting to get traction apparently, especially with the upcoming new iPhone. That's maybe the next big thing, who knows. At least it will eventually be more useful and widespread than virtual reality...
7y, 18w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I would like to play with TensorFlow mostly because it's written in Python, but I'm not sure what to build with it.
7y, 18w 1 reply
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Tbd a system for home automation that learns actions based on sensor input - something like gierad.com/project...
7y, 18w reply