🏒 Lucian Marin I'm very demotivated after the last job. I don't want to start anything new. After the previous job I started Markdawn and Sublevel. I was very optimistic about the future, now I'm not. I'm thinking about doing a project management app. This is my only idea.
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Yiorgos Adampoulos You shouldn't. If anything, you have an implementation to show around. That alone puts you ahead of a lot of people who are with ideas only. "With their mouth people build castles" people say in my country. You've actually built a least one (not just with your mount). Like someone else said: Maybe working freelance for a while will help. You will see how you can augment other people's problems with your ideas. New stuff will arise in the process. Do not give up. As an example WD-40 was the 40th test people say. You at least have to try 38 more times.
7y, 17w reply
Adam Douglas Been there. Try going freelance for a while, if that's feasible. Helped me a lot, good for the ego. I quit a job where I was just boosting an agency's reputation when I could have been building my own. So I went freelance. Otherwise, what about teaching? Another way to get an ego boost: teaching the next generation to things the right way. Answering people's questions on StackOverflow also buffed my ego, and I got headhunted after I answered a lot of questions on JS.
7y, 18w reply
Mark Dain I'm sorry to hear it's not working out. Do you know what's wrong? Could you get your old job back - they may hire you again if this new gig hasn't worked out
7y, 18w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I've gone from coding UIs in HTML and CSS at the old job (2012-2013) to coding quality JavaScript and Python (2015-2017). I've even implemented a big data reporting backend in ClickHouse (clickhouse.yandex). I didn't consider over-engineering a new UI in ClojureScript the right path for the future. That's mostly the reason I left. There was still lots of work to be done on scaling the backend. The payment remained mostly the same across these two jobs, even if I worked harder ever single day. That's the reason for demotivation, I guess.
7y, 18w 1 reply
☕ David Antoine Starting something new is probably a good thing to keep your mind busy... Sorry to hear that as well. Have you thought about augmented really ? It's starting to get traction apparently, especially with the upcoming new iPhone. That's maybe the next big thing, who knows. At least it will eventually be more useful and widespread than virtual reality...
7y, 18w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I would like to play with TensorFlow mostly because it's written in Python, but I'm not sure what to build with it.
7y, 18w 1 reply
🤔 John Sorry to hear that.
7y, 18w reply