John Economou So, emacs or vi? Please help me decide
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Anishcharith I prefer vim, but check this out
7y, 21w reply
7y, 21w reply
Bugabinga Why does it have to be either or?
7y, 21w reply
Truebosko I tried Spacemacs once, but vim all the way ;)
7y, 21w reply
Vjraj vim !!
7y, 21w reply
Kodo Spacemacs. You'll never go back.
7y, 21w reply
Mark Dain (g)vi(m) for me. Gvim is just vim but with great mouse support (visual mode) and if you get MacVim, you can use stuff like Cmd+C/V to copy/paste. Regular vim if I'm over SSH.
7y, 21w reply
Jani Mustonen Vi is decent. Vim is amazing. Emacs is amazing. So, obviously vim.
7y, 21w 1 reply
Yiorgos Adampoulos vim. That is unless you play the piano
7y, 21w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin I prefer nano in terminal and Sublime Text outside of it.
7y, 21w reply