Ben J. By always chasing the newest thing, do we loose the ability to appreciate the imperfections in what we have, and watch it grow into something we can truly take pride in?
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Hugh Spiller You're right. Let's go back to Myspace and make it really work this time.
10y, 19w reply
Simon Janes That which does not kill us gives us something new to complain about.
10y, 20w 1 reply
Jacob Timme And makes us stronger... And stand a little taller
10y, 20w reply
🏀 Air Bud Very deep.
10y, 20w reply
Runningskull s/loose/lose
10y, 20w 1 reply
Ben J. Well spotted, shame it doesn't make an even deeper meaning being loose instead of lose
10y, 20w reply
Dominik Dalek Without the wind, the grass does not move. Without rhetorical questions, the community is empty.
10y, 20w reply
Derek Grasshopper says: Green grass grows quick, brown grass grows ergot.
10y, 20w reply
Rockyracing Pfffiiew,.. I think rhetorical questions are always the hardest to answer.
10y, 20w reply