😀 Tom Universal Basic Income is the hot topic right now, but what I think would be better instead, is a paid 2-3 month vacation every year. I think that a lot of the benefits that UBI supposedly touts, can probably be achieved with a real break from work, and without giving up work altogether. This way, people can still be incentivized to work, but still have the ability to persue other creative endeavors.
🏒 Lucian Marin This is exactly what I want. Three months will be perfect on working on projects like Sublevel. But I don't think we will get free money. We still have to work on something.
7y, 40w 8 replies
Mark Dain I used to think of UBI as "paying people to exist" which I can understand is sort of weird and reeks of communism, but if you consider millions being unemployed permanently due to a lack of jobs, the economy is going to be in a lot of trouble. Either we just move to a post-money society, or we give everyone some money so they can continue buying/selling/etc. I'd like to hope most people would use their new time and freedom to work full time on projects they love.
7y, 40w 6 replies
👽 Paul Webb I'm in the process of writing a blog post about Sweden's 6-hour work day and Switzerland's excellent work/life balance and it kinda ties into Universal Basic Income. As much as people like to bitch and moan about it, to prevent society from devolving into anarchy, UBI will be necessary if not required.
7y, 40w 2 replies
Mark Dain 100% agree; UBI or *something* is going to become important. I look forward to reading it (please post to Sublevel when you finish it)
7y, 40w 1 reply
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👽 Paul Webb Sure thing!
7y, 40w reply