💬 Subreply Out of 16,432 entries on Sublevel only 177 entries are longer than 512 characters and only 276 entries are longer than 480 characters. 9.7% (1,602) of the entries are longer than 256 characters. 27.8% (4,567) of the entries are longer than 140 characters. Cutting back the character limit is on the table.
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Sojourner I vote for leaving the character limit alone. Users may not submit longer entries regularly, but I'm sure most would like to have the option available.
7y, 23w reply
Dorcas And the character limit would be?
8y, 17w reply
😀 Tom Please don't. It's really hard to fit complete thoughts in less than 256 characters.
8y, 18w reply
Martijn Could you compare those numbers against people who are fairly active Sublevel users? Would not surprise me if those have a higher percentage of long posts than the average user. Simply because users with < 20 posts probably stuck to short questions and messages, while users with > 30 get slightly more micro-blog-y.
8y, 18w reply
Mark Dain I like the character limit as it is right now. It's not so long I end up rambling but it's a length I find myself approaching fairly often. Honestly, I'd like to keep it because this feels like actual microblogging; I have space to put an articulate thought in and not just a few cramped, abbreviated words. I haven't seen anyone abusing the character length on Sublevel and just the other day I saw a valid point on Hacker News that the 140 character limit of Twitter contributes to it's noise. It's almost impossible to have a good debate in 140 characters, but it's just enough space for a good insult. Please don't lower it!
8y, 18w reply