hobbyist programmer from melbourne, australia
🎲 Jamie
What's winter like where you live? Here in Melbourne, I find it wonderful: cool crisp air, interspersed sun and rain, the spicy smell of wood-smoke in the evening.
🚋 Nick Vella
hello fellow Melbournian!
4y, 7w
📉 Bill
What laptop does everyone use?
🚋 Nick Vella
Surface Book 2 with a Surface Dock for my desk. It's a dream combination that I've found myself very productive with - but I fear the repairs process will be a nightmare when the time comes. Previous machine was a 2015 MacBook Pro.
4y, 8w
Jakub Janarek
I love this site's design, snappy, fresh, no ads (obv), and dark mode by default ^^
🚋 Nick Vella
This site absolutely hits all the right points in my books. I'm on a desktop with a mouse, don't need buttons and padding the size of football fields!
4y, 8w