Mark Dain Should I give up on my dream of moving to America? I've been trying for years on end to find a way to move, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm wasting my time. I don't know how to do it. I fail every interview and every other opportunity I see doesn't work for me. For example, you can enlist in the army to become a citizen but you need a green card to do that first. Can't get a green card until, most likely, I have a visa. Can't get a visa until I, most likely, become very rich or get hired. Every opportunity I try to look at doesn't work. What should I do, Sublevel?
👽 Paul Webb WTF kind of interviews do you have to do? I don't understand the process but it seems crazy that your interviews always fail.
6y, 45w 4 replies
Mark Dain I mean I'll have several good interviews, everyone is happy, then they just stop talking to me. I've never actually be turned down, just silence. Without feedback, it's almost impossible to tell what they aren't happy about or what I can do. Surely they could say something like "sorry we can't provide a visa because you aren't eligible for any". Maybe they just don't like me and can't say "we won't hire you because you're an asshole"?
6y, 45w 3 replies
👽 Paul Webb That sounds hella annoying. Maybe next time you can ask for feedback? Or keep reaching out to them? That really sucks man, I hope you are successful soon!
6y, 45w reply
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