💬 Subreply Autumn has come with its goodies. Reply bangs lets you refer a reply and author gets the mention. Bang replies by using ! in front of base-36 identifier. Spotify and YouTube social links were added. Unique name handles across the network allows you to set new emoji status every time you feel like it. Top left logo is your emoji status.
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. how can I set multiple URLs ?
2y, 27w reply
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. Do you have any recommandation for bluetooth over-ear headphones ?
2y, 28w 1 reply ¬
🧐 Nrmn Bose QuietComfort, Version doesn't even matter. They're all great.
2y, 28w reply
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. If you have any GitHub repo needing some contributions (fixes, tests by example), hit me up ! I would b ehappy to contribute as part as the Hacktoberfest (:
2y, 29w reply ¬
☕ David Antoine From where to where?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. the question was not specially targeted to some countries (:
2y, 34w 1 reply
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. is there any people that moved to another country ? how was your experience ? (might go through this soon)
2y, 34w 5 replies ¬
☕ David Antoine From where to where?
Xy I moved to China for a few years. It was an incredible experience and I absolutely recommend leaving your bubble (everyone has one whether they like to admit it or not). The one piece of advice I would leave for you would be to always be prepared for a transition back home, or a new home. It's been quite difficult for me to find the same level of work back home and the pandemic has not helped at all. Best of luck to you!
Miso I moved but only for a year while studying. It's been one of the best experience!
2y, 34w reply
Miso Have just finished working on my weekend project, nightfall.city
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. wanted to hav a look but sas greeted with `ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED`
2y, 35w 1 reply
Rsm Well! Where'd the option go to turn to the Dark Side?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. it is taking advantage of your OS global dark mode switch, if you are on Linux like me this is a workaround : subreply.com/n4n/jrg
2y, 36w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin I created lucianmarin.com/num in a few hours. It displays math expression result on the right for each line. You can assign expressions to variables. Should it be an Electron app?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. Maybe it would be a good way to test out Tauri ! tauri.studio
2y, 37w reply
Rsm I should probably close my account here. So why don't I?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. I'll say, no matter what I asked here I always found some replies that led to interesting discussions, as opposed to my Twitter account where I have ~400 followers and have barely no engagement on my tweets
··· 2y, 37w 1 reply
🎲 Jamie What's a topic you've been wanting to learn more about?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. literally everything ! Maybe more focused on focusing but I'm really curious 🙂 But also I have to find some sorting/structure to store "thing I read on Internet" either it is some repo I saw on GitHub or a post linked through social media or link aggregator, because I'm often like "oh yes I read something about that !... but I cannot find the link 😭"
2y, 38w reply
🎲 Jamie I got started on this sort of note taking by picking a specific complex topic I wanted to learn more about. Making it a tool for a clearly defined "project" greatly narrowed the scope of learning to use it! (YMMV)
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. thank you fro the answer ! I guess I also have to start somehow, I'm just waiting for something to happen 😅
2y, 38w 2 replies
Rsm I did make my point clear, so I apologize for that. Yes, RSS is involved. Looks like I may have a solution, a kind friend is in the process of setting up funkwhale. I have hopes that will fill the bill.
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. Maybe this could interest you dataswamp.org/~sol...
2y, 39w 1 reply
Rsm Even for doing a podcast? I wasn't really clear on that, was I?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. oh sorry, I completely missed your point ! For publishing, isn't it an RSS feed in the end ? I mean you could literally edit it by hand, if your audio is hosted somewhere.
2y, 39w 3 replies
Rsm Best open-source podcast option?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. I'm using AntennaPod antennapod.org on Android, it has everything needed (:
2y, 40w 5 replies
Nick Silvestri I downloaded Obsidian recently, and as a casual Wikipedian, enjoy the idea of [[linking]] more than I like Notion databases. I've always wanted to use one of these knowledgebase apps, but my life simply isn't complex enough to warrant it yet :)
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. I think I'm in this case for now, I have also to learn how to link more my notes with those brackets links !
2y, 40w reply
🦇 Arr Not F/LOSS, tough?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. oh I thought it was ! I may still use the software nevertheless, if I achieve some kind of workflow with it
2y, 41w reply
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